Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nov. 15

Hey everyone! Just quick note to say we are doing good! We killed two rats so far in our place and so hope that our shoes, wallets, bibles and anything else they have been eating will be a little safer! We can't believe it's friday again tomorrow! The week has flown by! We are planning to go to Jacmel on Sat. and see our girls!!!! AAHHHH!! SO excited!! Please pray with us that God will make a way for us to be together with them during our time here. Things are going good except that feeling that we are not quite complete without them. We went to a beautiful beach today with a bunch of people that are visiting. Kira loves the ocean along with he big brother and sister. It was good also because she Dawson and Jordan have some impetagio and the salt water is good to help clean that up. We think they must have gotten it from Carl who had it when we came but is good now. The pain is that it spreads through open sores and with all the bug bites, the kids are ALWAYS scratching! Pray that we can beat that soon! It's getting old having to wash them all with soap and water 4 times a day EACH and
do the whole polysporin thing in between...feels like that's all I've been doing!

We are still teaching at the ACE school they have here in Canaan. Jaimee does the little guys and it's a BIG challenge as they are VERY rambuncious and when she tries to tell them to behave they laugh at her because they don't understand too much engkish yet. Melissa is helping with our two and with others as well. Steph and Carl are in classes of thier own as well. Sheldon and I have been keeping busy with tiling the kitchen, painting, sorting through TONS of clothing that has been sent, cleaning the school office etc... I had to laugh when Gladys asked me to clean the office. It was so insane with stuff piled EVERYWHERE that I didn't know where to start. Since I get easily overwhelmed I had to just sit and laugh at God's sense of humor because the fact is that my office at home is usually chaos.... I never know where to start on it so I find something else to do instead. Wouldn't God have a chuckle at one of my first assignments being to organize someone ELSES office!!! Anyway....After 4 days of working hard I am very proud of what was accomplished! We have an office!

Gotta run today...the teams waiting on me for devotions. We have met nightly to share and pray and think on God and His word. It has been a blessing and has pulled us together as a team in a big way. Please pray again for God to make a way with our girls. We hopefully will have a better feeling of what's going on after our visit. Thanks so much for your love and prayers! I'll write as son as I can.....:) Kim

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