A big THANK YOU to all of you who have been praying for us! Many of you know it's been a difficult week for us here. We have had many up's and down's with our adoptions and we have been battling with various other problems to boot!
Lauren's scalp is SO MUCH better! Priase God for that! I am still putting medicated cream on a couple little spots twice a day but the difference is incredible!
Jordan has had a strange spot on her leg for a while now. It looked like ringworm at first, so I got on that fast with the nystatin and it looked as if it went away almost completly. It just looked like a dry patch. Now it is reddening and starting to pus and hurt her. I've been putting stuff on it for at least a week but it doesn't seem to do any good!
Dawson has been saying his tummy hurts and believe it or not, the boy is FINALLY getting fed up with rice! He just doesn't eat much even when I ask what I could make him that he likes he says he's just not hungry.....very strange for a growing 9 year old!
Lauren has had coughing fits since we have been here and the last little bit has been worse I think. I thought it started when she laid down. She would start to cough and then have these coughing fits where I thought she was coughing up a lung! I would get her to the bathroom because we thought she might throw up and a couple times she has had a bunch of thick clear liquid come up. It is quite scary. I want to take her to a dr. this week.
Kira and Lainey have the ever running noses, and Sheldon has just been feeling 'gross' for over a week now. I am running around being 'nurse' and hoping I don't get something! It just wouldn't be a good time! hehe...
In the midst of all this caos, we have been reminded on numerous occasions in the last little while, that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers in high places. This is sometimes so hard to remember. Thank you to my friend who gave us that very timely word form the Lord. This is an interesting parallel to what has been going on in Jacmel the last while. The people here are celbrating Carnival. I think I mentioned it already. They dress up like devils, or the like, and go about the streets putting coal or oil on people they come across, rocking vehicles they can bring to a stop, and whatever else they find 'fun' to do. It's a BIG party and people come from all over to participate. We have asked many people here what it's about and they have different answers. Some say it stems from Voo Doo practises and there is a lot of symbolism through out the whole festival. Some say its just for fun. Many people don't even know what they are celebrating, they just always have. To us, it is obvious it isn't anything good! We saw people's bodies slicked with oil and faces painted white with 'blood' dripping. Ugly masks and people tied to each other. Many carried bats...one a hand gun.... It made me think about Jesus saying "a kingdom divided against itself can not stand..." All these things can't be godly in any way, shape, or form, so they must be evil but mostly people don't even think about it. Then I think about us. We have this 'battle' going on all around us and mostly we don't even think about it! We do things or things are done to us and often we don't look past it to the war that is waging. We get distracted by the people or the things happening now and loose the bigger picture.
Well. It's late and I'm starting to fade. Love to you all In Jesus'name! Thanks again for your prayers and support. We are counting down one week today until we pick up Sheldon parents in Port! Will write soon!
Monday, January 28, 2008
We are celebrating getting the bus out of customs! Lubenz and the YWAM crew brought a bus home the other day that was donated from the states and packed full of useful items for the base, orphanage, and other ministries! When at first it arrived in Haiti it was supposed to cost $5,000.00 to get it out of customs. Then Lubenz went to get it and they said it was going to cost $9,000.00! We prayed and asked the Lord work things out and provide what was needed to get the bus and of course, He did! We had a happy and busy day unpacking and sorting all the good stuff! Here's is Lubenz with his wife, Andy and daughter, Tracy and a few of the other Y.W.A.M.ers. Below are Lubenz, Sheldon and Carl....all the way at the back of the bus! Great job, guys!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Here the girls are washing some clothes. It all started with me washing my pillow case ( the old-fashioned way, of course) when Lauren was like "here, Mom...I can do it" so she takes it and goes to town on it! Can she wash clothes! She was having so much fun that she kept asking for more! Now every day the girls ask to wash clothes! Who'd have thought it would be so fun!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hello!!! Yes we are still alive and well but have had little chance to update our blog! 5 kids keep us hopping for sure and then the computer is at the YWAM base where we walk to to eat our meals. The power is only on in the evening, however, so if I have the opportunity to get on the computer (with two other teams waiting for it and with 0 out of 5 children fussing) I am doing good! I hope to post this tomorrow and put some pictures on for you to enjoy.
This is the two week mark in Jacmel and it has been good. It always takes some getting used to to settle in a new place so I know we have only started to get into the groove. The girls have taken to us well and although we’ve had some rough mornings with Lauren crying because we have to take her to school, for the most part they are very happy girls! Melainey is a little joker! She wrinkles up her nose and laughs at herself many times throughout the day. She loves to clap for herself when she thinks she has accomplished something. Kira and Melainey are getting along great. Our prayer was that Kira would do well with her sisters and not feel jealous over mom and dad’s time and love. It has been so answered that I am almost sad sometimes because she is so independent and often doesn’t even want to cuddle with me! She is constantly bringing Lainey to one of us as if to say ‘here….she needs you’. Lauren is enjoying having the attention she is getting and we have been praying for a lot of wisdom in parenting her because it’s so hard to know how to deal with her emotions. She swings from so happy and energetic to very quite and serious. It’s funny…she sometimes is so much like Dawson we have to laugh. Loud and hyper and just does silly things without thinking about them. AHHH!! What are we going to do with TWO of those! Please pray with us about all the relations in the family. Sometimes I think Dawson is quick to be offended and it seems like his attitude right now is like putting up with a friend that will go home soon. He has such a soft heart and our desire is to see that shine through and for him to embrace the future and love his sisters so much right away. It all takes time we are realizing though, and he feels like we are spoiling her because we aren’t to the point where we are disciplining them the same yet. Jordan swings back and forth from being a great big helper and enjoying the time with Lauren to being sometimes annoyed at her typical 5 year old behavior. So normal! There are so many variables to consider! The girls, I think, are equally attached to Sheldon and I but he thinks that Lauren is more to me. Melainey, on the other hand, seems to really like her Uncle Carl and Sheldon both. It’s very cute and good for unlce Carl’s ego! I think she just knows they are suckers who will carry her everywhere she wants to go. It has only been a couple weeks so if we know one thing for sure it’s that we don’t know anything yet!
On the ministry front we are getting involved with what God is doing through Y.W.A.M. here in Jacmel. We fix our eyes on Christ, the author and perfecter of out faith. We recognize that God works on his own schedule and His plans aren’t ours. We believe the words that John Piper wrote in his book Desiring God: “In the end, one must finally come to see that if there is a God in heaven, there is no such thing as mere coincidence, not even in the smallest affairs of life.” and Proverbs 16:33 – “The lot is cast in to the lap, but the decision is wholly from the Lord.”
We are showing a Christian DVD tomorrow night. The plan is to do this at least once a week. We want to show the Jesus movie in a couple weeks when people know the drill and there is a bigger crowd. Y.W.A.M. has an orphanage here that is only a year old. There are eleven kids here from about 2 and up. The director, Lubenz Romulas, is a fantastic guy. His wife, Andy, and their two kids live upstairs in our house. He is passionate about his city and country and has a vision to see God transform it and make it a blessing to the world. Y.W.A.M. has a prison ministry (which started when Lubenz and his director at the time were thrown in jail overnight and saw the need there), a prostitution ministry, an English class opening doors to preach the gospel and more. There is a couple here with them who have a specific burden for mountain ministry. They are planning a treck into the mountains to a village where 4 of the kids in the orphanage are from. We would like to go and be involved in giving food, clothing, bibles, medical aid and whatever else we can. Sheldon is pumped to take the equipment and show the Jesus movie too!
Our highlight coming up is looking forward to a visit from Grandpa and Grandma and then Andrew and Jamie. Only two weeks! On that note, if anyone wants to send some childrens gravol for the clinic, we can’t get it here. That would be great! I’m sure they wouldn’t mind bringing it along.
Kira is talking so much suddenly. She looked up at the moon last night and said “I wuv you moon!”…so CUTE!!! She repeats everything and I am realizing that it is really good for Lauren too. They are learning to speak English together! Please pray for Lauren because she has a pretty nasty scalp infection. I can’t even do her hair because it hurts so badly. I take her to the home every other day and a few of the older girls do it. I bought this special shampoo to wash it with and some anti fugal cream that I apply twice a day. It is really gross. The sores on her head pus and scab and it is so hard to treat. It stinks too and I am always worried about the other kids getting it so it’s a real pain to always keep a look out that she isn’t putting her head on someone else’s pillow etc… Today is Saturday and we are at beach with the kids. On the way home will need to stop and get her head done and I am so not looking forward to her screaming for two hours again while they do it. Everyone is telling me we need to cut her hair so it will heal but Marlaine says no so I sure hope it will get better fast!
We have made our way around Jacmel and feel like we are getting to know it now. Last Sunday Carl and Steph, Melissa and I went to town and we didn’t realize that people are staring to celebrate carnival. We kind of got mobbed by a bunch of weird people dressed up like devils and rubbing charcoal and mud on us! Hmmm…. So, we avoid going on Sundays now. Apparently they do this every Sunday leading up to the big Carnival at the end of the month. Nice to know…common sense will go a long way with that kind of stuff.
We are still trying to figure out life as we are waiting for a refrigerator and some furniture. We have needed to buy a few things but don’t want to buy much so we’re trying to get by until YWAM’s transition is through and the move is complete from one house to the other.
Hmm….what more to say. I think I’ve rattled on enough for one day but I want to make up for lost time! Please keep us in your prayers. Our girls, they say may be ready in July or August. Time will tell, as no one or nothing else accurately can. Our hearts miss our home and loved ones there but rejoice in this time with our daughters here. We know that this time will be invaluable. On a shallow note, we really are missing the convenience of home too! Ladies…do not take your washing machines for granted!!…Toasters, blenders, freezers (even a fridge!), pots and pans, electric stoves and ovens, beds, chairs…you get the idea! Sheldon is probably in his glory….’just like camping!’ hehe. Although his version of ‘roughing it’ is a far cry from mine.
Love to you all. Be blessed!
This is the two week mark in Jacmel and it has been good. It always takes some getting used to to settle in a new place so I know we have only started to get into the groove. The girls have taken to us well and although we’ve had some rough mornings with Lauren crying because we have to take her to school, for the most part they are very happy girls! Melainey is a little joker! She wrinkles up her nose and laughs at herself many times throughout the day. She loves to clap for herself when she thinks she has accomplished something. Kira and Melainey are getting along great. Our prayer was that Kira would do well with her sisters and not feel jealous over mom and dad’s time and love. It has been so answered that I am almost sad sometimes because she is so independent and often doesn’t even want to cuddle with me! She is constantly bringing Lainey to one of us as if to say ‘here….she needs you’. Lauren is enjoying having the attention she is getting and we have been praying for a lot of wisdom in parenting her because it’s so hard to know how to deal with her emotions. She swings from so happy and energetic to very quite and serious. It’s funny…she sometimes is so much like Dawson we have to laugh. Loud and hyper and just does silly things without thinking about them. AHHH!! What are we going to do with TWO of those! Please pray with us about all the relations in the family. Sometimes I think Dawson is quick to be offended and it seems like his attitude right now is like putting up with a friend that will go home soon. He has such a soft heart and our desire is to see that shine through and for him to embrace the future and love his sisters so much right away. It all takes time we are realizing though, and he feels like we are spoiling her because we aren’t to the point where we are disciplining them the same yet. Jordan swings back and forth from being a great big helper and enjoying the time with Lauren to being sometimes annoyed at her typical 5 year old behavior. So normal! There are so many variables to consider! The girls, I think, are equally attached to Sheldon and I but he thinks that Lauren is more to me. Melainey, on the other hand, seems to really like her Uncle Carl and Sheldon both. It’s very cute and good for unlce Carl’s ego! I think she just knows they are suckers who will carry her everywhere she wants to go. It has only been a couple weeks so if we know one thing for sure it’s that we don’t know anything yet!
On the ministry front we are getting involved with what God is doing through Y.W.A.M. here in Jacmel. We fix our eyes on Christ, the author and perfecter of out faith. We recognize that God works on his own schedule and His plans aren’t ours. We believe the words that John Piper wrote in his book Desiring God: “In the end, one must finally come to see that if there is a God in heaven, there is no such thing as mere coincidence, not even in the smallest affairs of life.” and Proverbs 16:33 – “The lot is cast in to the lap, but the decision is wholly from the Lord.”
We are showing a Christian DVD tomorrow night. The plan is to do this at least once a week. We want to show the Jesus movie in a couple weeks when people know the drill and there is a bigger crowd. Y.W.A.M. has an orphanage here that is only a year old. There are eleven kids here from about 2 and up. The director, Lubenz Romulas, is a fantastic guy. His wife, Andy, and their two kids live upstairs in our house. He is passionate about his city and country and has a vision to see God transform it and make it a blessing to the world. Y.W.A.M. has a prison ministry (which started when Lubenz and his director at the time were thrown in jail overnight and saw the need there), a prostitution ministry, an English class opening doors to preach the gospel and more. There is a couple here with them who have a specific burden for mountain ministry. They are planning a treck into the mountains to a village where 4 of the kids in the orphanage are from. We would like to go and be involved in giving food, clothing, bibles, medical aid and whatever else we can. Sheldon is pumped to take the equipment and show the Jesus movie too!
Our highlight coming up is looking forward to a visit from Grandpa and Grandma and then Andrew and Jamie. Only two weeks! On that note, if anyone wants to send some childrens gravol for the clinic, we can’t get it here. That would be great! I’m sure they wouldn’t mind bringing it along.
Kira is talking so much suddenly. She looked up at the moon last night and said “I wuv you moon!”…so CUTE!!! She repeats everything and I am realizing that it is really good for Lauren too. They are learning to speak English together! Please pray for Lauren because she has a pretty nasty scalp infection. I can’t even do her hair because it hurts so badly. I take her to the home every other day and a few of the older girls do it. I bought this special shampoo to wash it with and some anti fugal cream that I apply twice a day. It is really gross. The sores on her head pus and scab and it is so hard to treat. It stinks too and I am always worried about the other kids getting it so it’s a real pain to always keep a look out that she isn’t putting her head on someone else’s pillow etc… Today is Saturday and we are at beach with the kids. On the way home will need to stop and get her head done and I am so not looking forward to her screaming for two hours again while they do it. Everyone is telling me we need to cut her hair so it will heal but Marlaine says no so I sure hope it will get better fast!
We have made our way around Jacmel and feel like we are getting to know it now. Last Sunday Carl and Steph, Melissa and I went to town and we didn’t realize that people are staring to celebrate carnival. We kind of got mobbed by a bunch of weird people dressed up like devils and rubbing charcoal and mud on us! Hmmm…. So, we avoid going on Sundays now. Apparently they do this every Sunday leading up to the big Carnival at the end of the month. Nice to know…common sense will go a long way with that kind of stuff.
We are still trying to figure out life as we are waiting for a refrigerator and some furniture. We have needed to buy a few things but don’t want to buy much so we’re trying to get by until YWAM’s transition is through and the move is complete from one house to the other.
Hmm….what more to say. I think I’ve rattled on enough for one day but I want to make up for lost time! Please keep us in your prayers. Our girls, they say may be ready in July or August. Time will tell, as no one or nothing else accurately can. Our hearts miss our home and loved ones there but rejoice in this time with our daughters here. We know that this time will be invaluable. On a shallow note, we really are missing the convenience of home too! Ladies…do not take your washing machines for granted!!…Toasters, blenders, freezers (even a fridge!), pots and pans, electric stoves and ovens, beds, chairs…you get the idea! Sheldon is probably in his glory….’just like camping!’ hehe. Although his version of ‘roughing it’ is a far cry from mine.
Love to you all. Be blessed!
Our friends, Amos and Candice. These are the couple with the heart for mountain ministry. We went on our first date with them and was it ever a treat! We left all the kids at home with Aunty Lissy, Uncle Carl and Steph and went out for dinner! A much need break!
Monday, January 7, 2008
We made it!
Hey guys! Just a quick note to let you all know we made it to Jacmel safe and sound! Sheldon even drove one of the vehicles!! What an experience driving in Haiti is!! We settled into our house in the dark and will get our girls tomorrow! We can't wait! Lubenz and the people at YWAM have been so great and friendly! There are two teams arriving tomorrow, one from Cananda and one from the states so we are looking forward to meeting them and maybe some of us will join them in ministry here. YWAM has an orphange here too and there are 11 kids in it. It's so easy to love these people! I'm sure it will be hard to leave alreadt and we've only just arrived! Kira is having fun playing with our room mates...The Ywam director and his wife and two kids live upstairs in our house. Four rooms on each floor and right now it is pretty sparse because they are in between houses! Hopefully this week we will see a fridge and some chairs.... It is a strange feeling to just want to sit down for a moment and then realize you can't! Hehe... Back to school for Dawson and Jordan tomorrow (aw mom!!) Love and miss you guys.... We may not have internet for a couple weeks in this change over. Just a heads up. Thanks for your prayers! God bless.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Jan 4th
Hi everyone! Yes, we are alive and well although the internet has not been working well so we haven’t posted for a while. We have had an easy couple weeks here with all the kids out of school and the fun times with Christmas and new years! Today is Friday and I have been in the clinic a couple days this week now and now it’s closed for the weekend. BIG NEWS! KIRA has a new potty and made the big decision today to pee on it and earn herself a sucker! I am happy now to know she totally understands but now realize my freedom is a little more limited because now I need to be faithful in training her! Way to go Kira!
On the adoption front, we are still plugging away and thank you for praying! We are ‘preparing our fields’ for the ‘rain’ we have been praying for. That is, planning by faith to go home with our girls but recognizing that they may stay here for a bit after we leave and we will deal with that then. Regardless, we know that God is good all the time and that He knows best.
We are heading to Jacmel on Sunday! We will live with our girls and get to be a part of what God is doing in Jacmel through YWAM! God has brought a new friend into our lives ( nothing is coincident ) and he is the one who runs the YWAM base in Jacmel! Small world! So we head out to rent the main floor of this house his family is moving into. There is a team coming soon after for 10 days so we are looking forward to seeing what’s goin’ on! Lubenz has invited us to join them where God is working. “Hey, we’re all about ministry!” he said and it’s kinda cool to see his excitement for the Lord and his heart for evangelism.
A BIG THANK YOU goes out to friends and family for your thoughts, prayers and even Christmas presents!!! We were very pleasantly surprised to find that Gloria Daley had a wack of Christmas cards for us from you guys! You are great! It was neat to put those cards on my rough little wooden shelf and think about the fact that you guys thought about us! What a blessing.
We are freezing today and wish we had brought jackets! It’s about 22 degrees and that is chilly for us here! Almost 50 degrees difference from what I hear at times back in Vanderhoof! The wind is crazy today and I am wishing there was a way to bolt the shutters on our windows closed because they slam open and shut at night and wake us up! Being on a second story floor makes it hard.
We are sad to be leaving but excited to see what the next part of this adventure holds! The kids have been asking us “when you go?” and they are sad too. It’s hard to believe we are almost to the half way point and also how attached one can feel to a place and to the people there in such a relatively short amount of time. To think that before we know it we will be leaving again, another place, new friends, something familiar. For now we look forward to being together as one BIG happy family (5 kids!! Wow…still sounds crazy to me) and looking forward to Grandma and Grandpa Dyck visiting in Feb and then Andrew and Jamie!! Can’t wait to see you guys! Take care everyone! We love you! Sheldon and Kim and crew.
On the adoption front, we are still plugging away and thank you for praying! We are ‘preparing our fields’ for the ‘rain’ we have been praying for. That is, planning by faith to go home with our girls but recognizing that they may stay here for a bit after we leave and we will deal with that then. Regardless, we know that God is good all the time and that He knows best.
We are heading to Jacmel on Sunday! We will live with our girls and get to be a part of what God is doing in Jacmel through YWAM! God has brought a new friend into our lives ( nothing is coincident ) and he is the one who runs the YWAM base in Jacmel! Small world! So we head out to rent the main floor of this house his family is moving into. There is a team coming soon after for 10 days so we are looking forward to seeing what’s goin’ on! Lubenz has invited us to join them where God is working. “Hey, we’re all about ministry!” he said and it’s kinda cool to see his excitement for the Lord and his heart for evangelism.
A BIG THANK YOU goes out to friends and family for your thoughts, prayers and even Christmas presents!!! We were very pleasantly surprised to find that Gloria Daley had a wack of Christmas cards for us from you guys! You are great! It was neat to put those cards on my rough little wooden shelf and think about the fact that you guys thought about us! What a blessing.
We are freezing today and wish we had brought jackets! It’s about 22 degrees and that is chilly for us here! Almost 50 degrees difference from what I hear at times back in Vanderhoof! The wind is crazy today and I am wishing there was a way to bolt the shutters on our windows closed because they slam open and shut at night and wake us up! Being on a second story floor makes it hard.
We are sad to be leaving but excited to see what the next part of this adventure holds! The kids have been asking us “when you go?” and they are sad too. It’s hard to believe we are almost to the half way point and also how attached one can feel to a place and to the people there in such a relatively short amount of time. To think that before we know it we will be leaving again, another place, new friends, something familiar. For now we look forward to being together as one BIG happy family (5 kids!! Wow…still sounds crazy to me) and looking forward to Grandma and Grandpa Dyck visiting in Feb and then Andrew and Jamie!! Can’t wait to see you guys! Take care everyone! We love you! Sheldon and Kim and crew.
Playing with the kids...
We had some time to play games and just hang out with the kids. It's quite funny to watch the boys. They play pretty hard and more often then not ehy gang up on uncle Carl who has to play rough if he wants to stand his ground! When one of the boys falls down the others pick him up and carry him to the 'hospital' to 'sleep' until they are better. Here Dawsons buddys cart him away...
Sanders is 4 years old. He ended up here after watching his parents get shot. It always amazes me to see the smiles on these little faces when life has been so hard for them. Sanders and Carter are little buddies and they make us laugh a lot!
Jesus Movie...
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