About time we posted our possibly last update! Yes! We are home and LOVING IT!! We arrived in PG on schedule and have been sure appreciating the little things...like hot water and toilet paper! It was hard to see our girls off in Jacmel and we thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We leave the details in God's hands and we know 2 things for sure: He knows best and He is always good. That gets us through any situation. The details and the timing we have no clue about but we take one day at a time and will continue to trust. He gives just enough light for the step we're on!
Sadly, our external hard drive just bit the dust so....all my music and pictures for the last FOUR YEARS are toast! That really sucks! I'll see what I can do about getting a few more on....some are still on my camera. In the meantime, enjoy life! Enjoy God, family, friends, the sunshine, the washing machine (yes...I DID kiss mine when I got home!) etc... we have SO much to be thankful for! Love to all...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Well, the 19th came and went. It saw Mom and Dad go and Andrew and Jamie come. Time has been moving right along! I have not kept this blog as up to date as I would have liked lately but I will try get some more pictures on shortly.
Today is Thurs. and Andrew and Jamie have been here for two days already! Tomorrow we plan to take them to bassins blue (an apparently amazing waterfall and pools) and on Saturday we do a dental clinic at the YWAM orphanage for the kids, staff and neighborhood. Jamie brought all she needs with her and I will be her 'assistant' for the day. We may also be working with a local dentist and with Bonnie to teach her to bring dental relief to the mountains when she goes.
Most of you know that we are COMING HOME ON WEDNESDAY!! We are so mixed about this emotionally it's insane!! We are really sad to have to leave our girls behind as it looks like the adoptions are no where near finished. This is something we need you to pray for us about. That the transition back into life with out us will go smoothly and not affect them negatively for attachment in the future. We have been told that is harder for us then them and I hope this is so. It already is hard for us and I know it will be but it would make me feel better to think that they are doing great. We are very excited to come home and see our friends and families. With Easter quickly approaching it will be so nice to have that time with you. So, 4 days left in Haiti and then back to the great white north! We leave our daughters in the Lord's hands, where they have always been, and trust that He will provide for their every need even better then we could ever hope to. We know that the time we have had with the girls has been invaluable and will definitely make for a smoother transition when they are ready to finally come home. We are not sorry for coming and we know that God's timing and His plans are better then our own, so we will make the best of the time we will have to prepare to receive Lauren and Melainey maybe this summer. Christmas for sure (I hope - if there's one thing we've learned it's that NOTHING is for sure!).
Dawson and Jordan are already in Vanderhoof. They went home with Grandma and Grandpa Dyck a week before the rest of us. They called to say they made it safe and sound and that they saw the BEE movie before Dad did. hehe... It's strange not having them around and I know when we leave I will be thinking I forgot something all the way home with just one baby!! That will be weird! ok....getting late and I can't think what else to write although I know there are many things. Thanks for your love and prayers, we'll be seeing you soon!
Today is Thurs. and Andrew and Jamie have been here for two days already! Tomorrow we plan to take them to bassins blue (an apparently amazing waterfall and pools) and on Saturday we do a dental clinic at the YWAM orphanage for the kids, staff and neighborhood. Jamie brought all she needs with her and I will be her 'assistant' for the day. We may also be working with a local dentist and with Bonnie to teach her to bring dental relief to the mountains when she goes.
Most of you know that we are COMING HOME ON WEDNESDAY!! We are so mixed about this emotionally it's insane!! We are really sad to have to leave our girls behind as it looks like the adoptions are no where near finished. This is something we need you to pray for us about. That the transition back into life with out us will go smoothly and not affect them negatively for attachment in the future. We have been told that is harder for us then them and I hope this is so. It already is hard for us and I know it will be but it would make me feel better to think that they are doing great. We are very excited to come home and see our friends and families. With Easter quickly approaching it will be so nice to have that time with you. So, 4 days left in Haiti and then back to the great white north! We leave our daughters in the Lord's hands, where they have always been, and trust that He will provide for their every need even better then we could ever hope to. We know that the time we have had with the girls has been invaluable and will definitely make for a smoother transition when they are ready to finally come home. We are not sorry for coming and we know that God's timing and His plans are better then our own, so we will make the best of the time we will have to prepare to receive Lauren and Melainey maybe this summer. Christmas for sure (I hope - if there's one thing we've learned it's that NOTHING is for sure!).
Dawson and Jordan are already in Vanderhoof. They went home with Grandma and Grandpa Dyck a week before the rest of us. They called to say they made it safe and sound and that they saw the BEE movie before Dad did. hehe... It's strange not having them around and I know when we leave I will be thinking I forgot something all the way home with just one baby!! That will be weird! ok....getting late and I can't think what else to write although I know there are many things. Thanks for your love and prayers, we'll be seeing you soon!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hi again! A quick line to let you all know that Mom, Dad and Kathleen got here in one piece WITH all their luggage! We have had a LONG couple days and now we are looking forward to a good nights rest.
Tuesday we left Jacmel at 4 in the morning to take a missionary friend to the bus station in Port Au Prince by 8am. Then we waited at Epidore (a bakery) for SIX hours! That’s too long to wait anywhere….even a bakery! We didn’t want to be out and about too much because it was the biggest, craziest last day of Carnival. That’s where people take to the streets to ‘party’ and whatever else. It’s a HUGE national holiday here and we were worried about how that would affect picking the guys up from the airport many streets are blocked and the crowds can be crazy. Much to our relief, it wasn’t as bad as we thought. The government tried something new and officially closed a lot of the streets around the major part of town. This kept the crowds more or less all together in selected areas. The airport was pretty bare and we were happy about that!
So, we got everyone in the vehicle and headed off to Canaan for the night. When we arrived some three hours later, they made us dinner and we had a nice evening seeing the friends we made again and introducing Sheldon’s parents and Kathleen to everyone. It was good to give Jaimee hugs and catch up with her too. Things are good there. At 6am this morning we were off to St. Marc to hike up to Liberty fort – one of the lookouts built to defend Haiti from French attacks in the 19th century. Mom was feeling lousy (caffeine withdrawal I’d bet J) so Jordy and I stayed with her at the bottom while Dad, Sheldon, Lubens, Kathleen and Jaimee hiked up to see the fort. Dawson got some good picts of the cannons and cannonballs. After that we got a tour of the YWAM base in St.Marc and headed back to Montrouis to drop off Jaimee and get the luggage. On to Jacmel! Finally, around 3:30, we pulled into our driveway. Lauren, Kira and Melainey stayed behind with the family, as we just weren’t sure what to expect in Port due to Carnival. When we pulled up they were SO happy to see us! Kira almost played a little shy but gave Grandma and Grandpa kisses and hugs. We took them to their hotel and let them rest and wind down for the evening and it was cute because when we got back to our house Kira was saying periodically “Where’s Mamma?”. So cute! Lauren understands who her Grandparents are and was happy to meet them. She thought we went to Canada to get them! Lainey was shy….but she was with us the first week too so I know she’ll warm up quick! We look forward to going after breakfast tomorrow and hanging out with them.
The guys just got back from an evening of street evangelism. They did dramas, showed the Jesus movie and handed out tracks and bibles. This was a follow up to the other day when they went to the same neighborhood and talked to people and prayed with people. Sheldon was surprised at how open they were to talking and how people even came out to them and asked if they would pray with them. They were so happy to get the literature and were very eager to have them come visit them again! I will put some pictures of this on too. I want to see them myself as I have been staying home with the kids. It has been good though, and I am so excited about it all that I don’t even mind missing out!
I’ll write more later…gotta run…can’t wait to hear how it went! Take care!
Tuesday we left Jacmel at 4 in the morning to take a missionary friend to the bus station in Port Au Prince by 8am. Then we waited at Epidore (a bakery) for SIX hours! That’s too long to wait anywhere….even a bakery! We didn’t want to be out and about too much because it was the biggest, craziest last day of Carnival. That’s where people take to the streets to ‘party’ and whatever else. It’s a HUGE national holiday here and we were worried about how that would affect picking the guys up from the airport many streets are blocked and the crowds can be crazy. Much to our relief, it wasn’t as bad as we thought. The government tried something new and officially closed a lot of the streets around the major part of town. This kept the crowds more or less all together in selected areas. The airport was pretty bare and we were happy about that!
So, we got everyone in the vehicle and headed off to Canaan for the night. When we arrived some three hours later, they made us dinner and we had a nice evening seeing the friends we made again and introducing Sheldon’s parents and Kathleen to everyone. It was good to give Jaimee hugs and catch up with her too. Things are good there. At 6am this morning we were off to St. Marc to hike up to Liberty fort – one of the lookouts built to defend Haiti from French attacks in the 19th century. Mom was feeling lousy (caffeine withdrawal I’d bet J) so Jordy and I stayed with her at the bottom while Dad, Sheldon, Lubens, Kathleen and Jaimee hiked up to see the fort. Dawson got some good picts of the cannons and cannonballs. After that we got a tour of the YWAM base in St.Marc and headed back to Montrouis to drop off Jaimee and get the luggage. On to Jacmel! Finally, around 3:30, we pulled into our driveway. Lauren, Kira and Melainey stayed behind with the family, as we just weren’t sure what to expect in Port due to Carnival. When we pulled up they were SO happy to see us! Kira almost played a little shy but gave Grandma and Grandpa kisses and hugs. We took them to their hotel and let them rest and wind down for the evening and it was cute because when we got back to our house Kira was saying periodically “Where’s Mamma?”. So cute! Lauren understands who her Grandparents are and was happy to meet them. She thought we went to Canada to get them! Lainey was shy….but she was with us the first week too so I know she’ll warm up quick! We look forward to going after breakfast tomorrow and hanging out with them.
The guys just got back from an evening of street evangelism. They did dramas, showed the Jesus movie and handed out tracks and bibles. This was a follow up to the other day when they went to the same neighborhood and talked to people and prayed with people. Sheldon was surprised at how open they were to talking and how people even came out to them and asked if they would pray with them. They were so happy to get the literature and were very eager to have them come visit them again! I will put some pictures of this on too. I want to see them myself as I have been staying home with the kids. It has been good though, and I am so excited about it all that I don’t even mind missing out!
I’ll write more later…gotta run…can’t wait to hear how it went! Take care!
Monday, January 28, 2008
A big THANK YOU to all of you who have been praying for us! Many of you know it's been a difficult week for us here. We have had many up's and down's with our adoptions and we have been battling with various other problems to boot!
Lauren's scalp is SO MUCH better! Priase God for that! I am still putting medicated cream on a couple little spots twice a day but the difference is incredible!
Jordan has had a strange spot on her leg for a while now. It looked like ringworm at first, so I got on that fast with the nystatin and it looked as if it went away almost completly. It just looked like a dry patch. Now it is reddening and starting to pus and hurt her. I've been putting stuff on it for at least a week but it doesn't seem to do any good!
Dawson has been saying his tummy hurts and believe it or not, the boy is FINALLY getting fed up with rice! He just doesn't eat much even when I ask what I could make him that he likes he says he's just not hungry.....very strange for a growing 9 year old!
Lauren has had coughing fits since we have been here and the last little bit has been worse I think. I thought it started when she laid down. She would start to cough and then have these coughing fits where I thought she was coughing up a lung! I would get her to the bathroom because we thought she might throw up and a couple times she has had a bunch of thick clear liquid come up. It is quite scary. I want to take her to a dr. this week.
Kira and Lainey have the ever running noses, and Sheldon has just been feeling 'gross' for over a week now. I am running around being 'nurse' and hoping I don't get something! It just wouldn't be a good time! hehe...
In the midst of all this caos, we have been reminded on numerous occasions in the last little while, that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers in high places. This is sometimes so hard to remember. Thank you to my friend who gave us that very timely word form the Lord. This is an interesting parallel to what has been going on in Jacmel the last while. The people here are celbrating Carnival. I think I mentioned it already. They dress up like devils, or the like, and go about the streets putting coal or oil on people they come across, rocking vehicles they can bring to a stop, and whatever else they find 'fun' to do. It's a BIG party and people come from all over to participate. We have asked many people here what it's about and they have different answers. Some say it stems from Voo Doo practises and there is a lot of symbolism through out the whole festival. Some say its just for fun. Many people don't even know what they are celebrating, they just always have. To us, it is obvious it isn't anything good! We saw people's bodies slicked with oil and faces painted white with 'blood' dripping. Ugly masks and people tied to each other. Many carried bats...one a hand gun.... It made me think about Jesus saying "a kingdom divided against itself can not stand..." All these things can't be godly in any way, shape, or form, so they must be evil but mostly people don't even think about it. Then I think about us. We have this 'battle' going on all around us and mostly we don't even think about it! We do things or things are done to us and often we don't look past it to the war that is waging. We get distracted by the people or the things happening now and loose the bigger picture.
Well. It's late and I'm starting to fade. Love to you all In Jesus'name! Thanks again for your prayers and support. We are counting down one week today until we pick up Sheldon parents in Port! Will write soon!
Lauren's scalp is SO MUCH better! Priase God for that! I am still putting medicated cream on a couple little spots twice a day but the difference is incredible!
Jordan has had a strange spot on her leg for a while now. It looked like ringworm at first, so I got on that fast with the nystatin and it looked as if it went away almost completly. It just looked like a dry patch. Now it is reddening and starting to pus and hurt her. I've been putting stuff on it for at least a week but it doesn't seem to do any good!
Dawson has been saying his tummy hurts and believe it or not, the boy is FINALLY getting fed up with rice! He just doesn't eat much even when I ask what I could make him that he likes he says he's just not hungry.....very strange for a growing 9 year old!
Lauren has had coughing fits since we have been here and the last little bit has been worse I think. I thought it started when she laid down. She would start to cough and then have these coughing fits where I thought she was coughing up a lung! I would get her to the bathroom because we thought she might throw up and a couple times she has had a bunch of thick clear liquid come up. It is quite scary. I want to take her to a dr. this week.
Kira and Lainey have the ever running noses, and Sheldon has just been feeling 'gross' for over a week now. I am running around being 'nurse' and hoping I don't get something! It just wouldn't be a good time! hehe...
In the midst of all this caos, we have been reminded on numerous occasions in the last little while, that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers in high places. This is sometimes so hard to remember. Thank you to my friend who gave us that very timely word form the Lord. This is an interesting parallel to what has been going on in Jacmel the last while. The people here are celbrating Carnival. I think I mentioned it already. They dress up like devils, or the like, and go about the streets putting coal or oil on people they come across, rocking vehicles they can bring to a stop, and whatever else they find 'fun' to do. It's a BIG party and people come from all over to participate. We have asked many people here what it's about and they have different answers. Some say it stems from Voo Doo practises and there is a lot of symbolism through out the whole festival. Some say its just for fun. Many people don't even know what they are celebrating, they just always have. To us, it is obvious it isn't anything good! We saw people's bodies slicked with oil and faces painted white with 'blood' dripping. Ugly masks and people tied to each other. Many carried bats...one a hand gun.... It made me think about Jesus saying "a kingdom divided against itself can not stand..." All these things can't be godly in any way, shape, or form, so they must be evil but mostly people don't even think about it. Then I think about us. We have this 'battle' going on all around us and mostly we don't even think about it! We do things or things are done to us and often we don't look past it to the war that is waging. We get distracted by the people or the things happening now and loose the bigger picture.
Well. It's late and I'm starting to fade. Love to you all In Jesus'name! Thanks again for your prayers and support. We are counting down one week today until we pick up Sheldon parents in Port! Will write soon!
We are celebrating getting the bus out of customs! Lubenz and the YWAM crew brought a bus home the other day that was donated from the states and packed full of useful items for the base, orphanage, and other ministries! When at first it arrived in Haiti it was supposed to cost $5,000.00 to get it out of customs. Then Lubenz went to get it and they said it was going to cost $9,000.00! We prayed and asked the Lord work things out and provide what was needed to get the bus and of course, He did! We had a happy and busy day unpacking and sorting all the good stuff! Here's is Lubenz with his wife, Andy and daughter, Tracy and a few of the other Y.W.A.M.ers. Below are Lubenz, Sheldon and Carl....all the way at the back of the bus! Great job, guys!
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